Friday, September 01, 2006


Longshot, dark horse, maverick Republican Congressional candidate Ron Dolin might face an uphill battle in his quest to unseat popular Democrat Tom Udall. And true, his blunt and often non-party-line talk about the issues has resulted in the state GOP establishment practically disowning him.

But Dolin continues to send the most clever and enjoyable press releases of the 2006 campaign.

This morning Dolin e-mailed his modest proposal for campaign finance reform:

The massive unchecked flow of money from corporations, lobbyist, unions, PACs, and financers to politicians has exploded in recent years. This legal, but potentially unethical, method of influence peddling mimics corporate sponsorship of sporting events.

"In sports," Dolin explained, "you know who the sponsors are because they name stadiums after corporations or place advertising logos around the venues. In politics, it is far less clear."

Dr. Dolin wants to help voters wade through the murky quagmire of political sponsorship by requiring all political letterheads, websites, emails, and campaign literature to prominently display the logos of their primary sponsors in a manner similar to the logo system used by NASCAR. This would also apply to newsletters incumbents send out under the auspices of legislative updates.

Having politicians publicly recognize their sponsors helps voters better anticipate how a candidate may vote on future legislation. At the same time, this NASCAR logo-like system helps explain an incumbent’s past voting record. ...

If implemented, political media would take on the artistic flare of a NASCAR automobile.

"The larger the sponsorship the larger the logo." Dolin said. "That way voters get visual confirmation of who a politician’s major sponsors are."


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